Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Out of this world

Cafe in Alexandra bookstore on beautiful Andrassy út, between the Oktogon and the Opera. 

The pianist is playing in the background, I’m surrounded by spectacular architecture and enjoying a fantastic café latte. I’m n not sure how to top this but will give it a try, since I like to see just how amazing a day can get. 

Have a great day filled with joy, pleasure and beauty! XOXO Nicky 


  1. Ithink my comment has gone to quick and not arrived as usual!!
    I was saying beautiful arichtecture really and
    was asking if the patisserie is in Stockholm.?
    And also curious as I am, wondering if the arm with glasses on table belongs to your "love"???

  2. oh, such a nice atmosphere! Where about is it?
    Though it's written pâtisserie on the bar it doesn't look like France....

    You seems to find the perfect spots when you are traveling! Thanks for sharing!


  3. Vackert! När jag var i Maastricht var jag på ett ställe som också var ett bokcafé i en gammal kyrka (vet inte om det där är det men det ser ju så ut). Böcker, kaffe, kyrka. Bra atmosfär. Vart är du? Kram!

  4. Hi everyone! :) Thank you for you lovely comments! :) There are somethings sometimes that I like to keep to myself, so I’m not telling you where I’m right now. It is kind of a secret get away from it all :) I will tell you all about it later, I promises! Have a nice day!

  5. gosh I wish I was living where you are living right now!! everything looks marvelous


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