Thursday, May 5, 2011

My life philosophy

Nothing lasts forever. So live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid all the

bullshit, take chances and have no regrets. Cause at one point, you did
exactly what you wanted.

XOXO Nicky


  1. great pictures, and i totally agree with your life philosophy~~~

    btw the pictures of the icecream is really making me craving...well ice creams~~~ =P

  2. Thank you for stopping by my blog :) I just have to follow you because I really enjoy your entries and your photos!

  3. MissA: Thank you for follow me :) I really, really appreciate every loyal reader! Hope to see you back! XO

  4. So true this life philosophy.
    Especially when having a serious surgeon operation leaving me so weak and without going out from more than 2 months..... We can enjoy each little moment of happiness.
    I like very much your blog Nicky.

  5. I totally loved your quote!! Happy Friday :) xx


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